Mio has launched the Mio 268 PDA with GPS functionality. This PDA also incorporates InterVideo's iMobi MPEG4 video and AAC audio codec technologies along with Ulead's video converter toolbox software.
The Mio 268 GPS PDA features multiple enhancements, including a next-generation GPS receiver for faster performance and a replaceable 1250 MAh battery that gives the device more hours for navigation, video and audio playback. Additionally, the new GPS device will provide consumers with high-quality audio-on-the-go MP3 playback and 30 frames per second MPEG-4 video decoding of QVGA resolution.
In addition to InterVideo's iMobi MPEG-4 video & AAC audio codec, Mio 268 GPS PDA provides users with PC software to generate the mobile video content with Ulead Video ToolBox software. Ulead Video ToolBox is the first PC video converter with editing and sharing video for GPS, PDA or 3G-enabled mobile phones. With multiple features, users can do wonders with this product, importing and converting a variety of video formats from the Web, TV or CD/DVD for playback on PDA and 3G-enabled mobile phones, or exporting the content captured by the PDA to PC.
The Mio 268 GPS device is currently available in Australia. Future retail availability will also include Europe, Taiwan and Japan.
Mio 268 GPS PDA launched at CES
Posted on Friday, January 06 2006 @ 21:43 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck