Posted on Friday, January 20 2006 @ 8:05 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
The Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas was a tough show this year, with two large convention centers to cover, plus all of the manufacturers' suites in hotels. As always, it was a tiring but exciting show. As I noted in my most recent blog ("Post Partum CES"), the two major themes of the show were 1080p displays in all screen technologies and the looming next-generation optical disk format war. Will this format war play out like Red versus Blue states, or will it be a different scenario? (In case you didn't know, HD DVD's packaging is red, and Blu-ray's is blue. How quaint.)
Designtechnica takes a look at the new HD-DVD and Blu-Ray players as well as the newest 1080P TV's. Read on over