Posted on Tuesday, January 24 2006 @ 14:51 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
Opera Software today announced the worldwide release of Opera Mini, the full Web browser that runs on almost every mobile phone, including low- and mid-end handsets. Today's global launch follows the trials of Opera Mini in the Nordics and in Germany during the fall of 2005, which resulted in a user base of over one million people. Opera Mini is available free of charge via WAP download, or for a small fee via SMS.
Installing Opera Mini is as simple as downloading a ringtone or a game. You simply send an SMS or direct your phone's WAP browser to http://mini.opera.com. Opera Mini compresses Web pages by up to 80% and reformats them using Small-Screen Rendering for easy and fast browsing on small, mobile screens. For the end-user, this means faster browsing and dramatically reduced phone bills for those who pay per KB in data traffic.
Opera Mini can be downloaded