Posted on Monday, January 30 2006 @ 0:58 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
Microsoft decided to skip the second beta version of Windows Vista. Instead, the company will rely on Community Technology Preview (CTP) builds to get its feedback from Windows Vista testers.
Allchin, who was on a cross-country press and analyst tour this week, stumping for Vista and Longhorn Server, was showing off the December CTP build of Vista, released in mid-December, as well as some of the features in what is likely to be the next CTP, timed to hit some time in the first calendar quarter of this year.
In Microsoft parlance, CTPs are interim test releases that represent a product snapshot in time. They are usually less stable than traditional beta releases. When Microsoft first launched the Windows CTP program last year, company officials said they hoped to deliver monthly Vista CTPs. But it now seems Microsoft is moving toward more of a quarterly CTP delivery schedule.
More details can be found at
Microsoft Watch.