Posted on Sunday, February 05 2006 @ 22:10 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
Times Online posted a new critical article on Google:
Could Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page now be regretting it? Could “Don’t be evil” and the dangerously high expectations it has raised, become a threat to the company’s share price? It is tempting to think so. Google shares, although still at inter-planetary levels, have been on a roller-coaster in the past 10 days amid revised earnings expectations and rows over privacy and censorship.
Critics in the blogosphere lambast it for hypocrisy in collaborating with China’s totalitarian rulers in censoring its new Chinese service. In reality, they say, Google’s motto is: “Don’t be evil, except where you have to in the cause of ever-larger profits”.
You can read it over