Intel wants every laptop of the future to come equipped with SIM card slots. Intel and the GSM Association have initiated plans to integrate 3G modems and SIM cards into laptops of the future. With WiFi (especially the upcoming 802.11n standard), Bluetooth and 3G, your laptop could serve as the ultimate communications platform.More info at DailyTech.
"As 3G network roll-outs accelerate across the world, with additional media rich capabilities added through HSDPA upgrades, laptops with in-built connectivity to the 3GSM world will enable PC users to enjoy the full benefits of seamless access to mobile broadband wireless services with secure authentication," states Rob Conway, CEO of the GSM Association.
Notebooks to get SIM cards for 3G access
Posted on Thursday, February 16 2006 @ 21:53 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck