Sapphire PURE RX 7900 GRE Review
Posted on 2024-02-27 22:13:19 by Thomas De MaesschalckAMD launched, well relaunched their RX 7900 GRE today and I already took a look at the Hellhound that AMD sent over but Sapphire did also send their PURE RX 7900 GRE. I was a huge fan of the PURE the last time so I’m excited to see if their latest version is going to live up to that hype. One thing is for sure though, the PURE branding seems like it would be a great fit with the GRE which is aiming to get top level 1440p and solid 4k performance while keeping costs down. Let’s check out what Sapphire’s latest PURE has to offer and find out how it compares to the competition before these hit stores tomorrow morning.
Link: LanOC Reviews
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