Gigabyte N680SLI-DQ6 6-Quad Review

Posted on 2007-04-03 14:00:22 by Thomas De Maesschalck

Let's get back to the box size for a second. The last high-end products from Gigabyte that found the way to our Lab were a superb 975 motherboard and excellent GA-965-DQ6. This box reminded us of both of these products. The cooling system also reminds us of GA-965-DQ6 in a way, although there are a few pieces that are different here and there. Especially the size. On this motherboard, the copper heatsinks are really enormous. They are also pretty eye-candy, having in mind the whole design with a blue-ish PCB, and quite a number of different colors on the board - yellow, red, green, orange, purple, white, and another blue (a bit lighter). So, as far as the color spectrum, this motherboard really has it all. What about everything else?

Link: IT Review

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