Mvix Wireless Hi-Definition Media Player Review

Posted on 2007-09-19 13:50:38 by Thomas De Maesschalck

When you think of multimedia add-on products, Mvix isn’t a name that probably jumps to the front of your mind. A relatively new company (founded in 2005), these folks are aiming at bringing you new concepts in the realm of video compatibility. While multimedia devices are not a new concept, Mvix feels they have something that offers something fresh and is banking on the fact that you will agree. Our article today will cover the MX-760HD Multimedia Center. Offering more than just a box to serve as a middleman between the PC and the display, we will take you through the device and its features and help you decide if it has what it takes to make it onto the shelf next to either your PC or your home entertainment system

Link: Tweaktown

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