Sapphire Radeon HD 4870 X2 in Crossfire Review

Posted on 2008-08-12 14:22:29 by Thomas De Maesschalck

It’s hard to turn around and say that the HD 4870 X2 is one of the most anticipated cards of recent times, due to the plain fact that there have been so many cards released over the last three months. While some had thought that the new HD 4870 would become the fastest single card solution on the market, the price AMD launched the card at gave indication that the chances were going to be pretty slim.

Fast forward a few months and we’ve got a new card that sits at around the same price of the GTX 280. It’s packing two HD 4870 cores on a single PCB, the same core speed and memory speed as its single card brethren and hopefully a whole bunch of extra performance.

Link: Tweaktown

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