GMC K2 Noblesse Ebony R2 Toast and R3 Corona Review

Posted on 2009-01-09 21:26:40 by Thomas De Maesschalck

The GMC Noblesse K-2 Ebony fits the bill as a multimedia PC case. The designers spent a lot of time and thought on making a workable HTPC case on a mid Tower. The inclusion of a VFD display, fan controllers, a remote control and the iMedian software makes this case a great choice for those wanting a Home Theater PC that can hold more devices than the standard Small Form Factor can. The R2 "Toast" is a very interesting choice as well. The case is extremely light, and the patented Vertical CD Drive is unique in the industry. Despite the size and weight of the case you can fit a full sized ATX motherboard inside it without issue.

Link: Motherboards

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