Mirrors Edge Game Testing Review

Posted on 2009-02-04 12:54:54 by Thomas De Maesschalck

Mirrors Edge is a unique game that brings the realism factor that much further forward, from many games out currently. The effects are just amazing and provide that next level of immersion. Glass does not just break and disappear into thin air. The cloth does not just tear away in big blocks and disappear - they become part of the environment and enhance the experience in the game. The Physx effects are what make the game so much more realistic, as each effect adds to the game rather than detracting from it. By turning off the Physx effects, you are back to just another game with mediocre effects. The lineup of cards used represents both the top of the line from both camps, as well as the top mid-level players in the video card wars. This performance run-through is not so much about the game itself, but about the effects and the performance generated by the current crop of offerings from each manufacturer.

Link: Overclockersclub

Mirrors Edge Game Testing

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