SilenX EFZ-92HA2 CPU Cooler Review
Posted on 2011-10-17 16:22:07 by Thomas De MaesschalckIf you were to go onto the website of one of the major PC parts retailers in Canada and search for the cheapest CPU cooler for modern CPU's you would certainly NOT find one for $8.99 USD. To get a budget cooler that's compatible with all current Intel and AMD platforms that are currently on the market you would spend not quite double that amount. When SilenX offered me the opportunity to check out their upcoming EFZ-92HA2 cooler, a cooler that is compatible with all current CPU sockets and DOES sell for $8.99, I couldn't resist. Can a decent aftermarket cooler actually exist for such a price? Today we will see!
Link: DreamWare Computers
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