GeForce GTX 560 & Radeon HD 6870 at $150 Review
Posted on 2012-04-09 10:40:33 by Thomas De MaesschalckIn the current video card market, all eyes are on the Radeon HD 7000 series and the GeForce GTX 600 series. They are the latest and greatest series of GPUs from AMD and nVidia respectively. And they both have great offerings with the high end Radeon HD 7970 and the GeForce GTX 680. Right now, AMD has offerings from the Radeon HD 7000 series that extend from low to high price points, and the same thing will happen with nVidia in the near future. Now that new generations of GPUs have been released, it's out with the old. During this time of transition between generations, there is a sweet spot in the mainstream video card market at around the $150 price point ...and it features cards based on the Radeon HD 6870 and the GeForce GTX 560. While I haven't reviewed AMD's current flagship mainstream offering, the Radeon HD 7770, I've been keeping track of articles and reviews on the websites of our colleagues. What I've generally found is that the 7770 is consistently slower than both the 6870 and GTX 560, and it's also a bit more expensive.
Link: Circuitremix
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