Micron RealSSD C400 128GB mSATA SSD Review - Amazing Performance and Capacity At Review
Posted on 2012-04-10 14:10:35 by Thomas De MaesschalckIt wasn’t so long ago that we had a sit down with Crucial/Micron at Storage Visions 2012 and they spoke of their SSD plans for the year, the Adrenaline Caching SSD and production of a mSATA SSD being high priorities on the list. Shortly after that venture, we reviewed the Adrenaline and here we are back once again with announcement, and full review, of the new Micron C400 SATA 3 Client mSATA SSD. The C400 is not a retail item, however, fret not as we are sure that release of the M4 mSATA can’t be far behind.
Link: TheSSDReview
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