Airlive N.Plug One Touch Wireless Repeater Review
Posted on 2012-04-18 08:57:05 by Thomas De MaesschalckAlthough I’ve always preferred wired connections over wireless ones (mainly because of security issues) i can't deny that i have used Wi-Fi wireless points numerous times while on the go with my smartphone mostly. However regardless of how much practical wireless networks are they do have certain drawbacks and so aside the already mentioned security ones which can prove quite bad for people working with sensitive data signal range and quality are also two issues that can't really be ignored. Many manufacturers have tried to partially correct that issue by adding more antennas onto their wireless modem/routers and there have also been quite a few improvements in wireless standards during the past decade (from 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, to the latest 802.11n) but unfortunately signal range is still an important issue. Repeaters (also known as extenders) like the N.Plug One Touch Wireless Repeater by Airlive which we have here with us today have been around for many years and aim to boost the signal strength (range) of any Wi-Fi enabled modem/router without much effort.
Link: nikktech
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