Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D Nintendo 3DS Review
Posted on 2012-04-22 16:26:40 by Thomas De MaesschalckMetal Gear Solid has been one of those series that over time have come to be one of the best, most intriguing and most polished around. There have been highs and lows for the series on both the console and handheld side of things, but there are not many people out there that consider Snake Eater to be one of the poorer Metal Gear games. In fact in 2005 upon release on the PlayStation 2, it was seen as one of the games of the year, a true masterpiece and having played through the HD re-release recently, it still remains a masterpiece to this day. However, cramming all of that gameplay, story and controls into the 3DS was always going to be a major challenge. One that Kojima has met head on, and in most areas, succeeded.
Link: Tweaktown
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