Acer AC700 Chromebook Review
Posted on 2012-04-23 18:12:54 by Thomas De MaesschalckYou'd be forgiven for not noticing Chromebooks, cloud-connected laptops that Google promised would revolutionise the way we use our PCs. The idea failed to take off a year ago, and the release of Acer's Chromia AC700 doesn't have much hope of turning the fortunes of the Chromebook.
Chromebooks are internet connected laptops, which don't run Windows. They instead use Chrome OS, which is a beefed up version of the similarly named internet browser. There's no storage, and you don't access your hard drive, instead you store all of your data in the cloud, by using services like Dropbox and Google Docs. They're designed to be low cost and low power - not unlike the netbook, which was main event back in 2007.
Link: Techradar
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