Intel Core i7-3770K Ivy Bridge: Performance Preview and Overclocking Review
Posted on 2012-04-23 19:46:41 by Thomas De MaesschalckWhile we get our fair share of evaluation products on NDA here at APH Networks, we don't usually do performance previews on the stuff we get -- either we get the review done on time, or, well, we release it at our own schedule, haha. But here's the deal: With Intel's latest Core i7-3770K "Ivy Bridge" processor sitting in our labs for the last little while, I am as excited to share our experience with you as much as you are interested in finding out how it performs in the benchmarks. Being the 'tick' part of Intel's 'tick-tock' release cycle, what does the 22nm die shrink bring to the table today? To find out, here is a set of quick and dirty benchmarks along with a preliminary overclocking result to go. We will have a full review ready in a few weeks from now (Having a series of Electrical Engineering exams in a row last week certainly did not help). But for now, let's not waste any more time, and move straight into the meat!
Link: APH Networks
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