Sandberg 4-Port USB 3.0 Hub Review
Posted on 2012-04-26 19:38:47 by Thomas De MaesschalckEach day that goes by more and more people i know either upgrade their systems with USB 3.0 compatible mainboards or choose the quite cheaper and easier path which is simply to install a PCIex USB 3.0 card. However it is because of that exact reason that many people keep asking me about which USB 3.0 hubs they should turn to in order to multiply their USB 3.0 ports without sacrificing speed. Now surprisingly enough most of the really popular and large manufacturers have yet to release USB 3.0 compatible hubs (for unknown reasons) however there are many such products in the market currently manufactured by smaller companies and the 4-Port USB 3.0 Hub we have here by Sandberg is one the those.
Link: NikKTech
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