Transcend JetFlash 2.0 64MB Review
Posted on 2004-01-31 11:24:56 by LSDsmurfWho carries a floppy disk to work with them these days? When you carry a floppy disk in your pocket it may seem a bit bulky because of its large square shape. Some computer manufacturers don't even include a floppy disk drive in their offerings anymore. A floppy disk can hold 1.44MB while the JetFlash can hold 32MB and up. The Jetflash wins hands down against the Floppy disk for its convenience and ability to be easily transported. Even Zip disks are being used less today as they were a few years back. The JetFlash 2.0 series is not only marketed at reasonable prices but have tons of advanced features. The unit also comes with a neck strap that attaches to the cap portion of the unit. You can choose to wear it around your neck or you can carry it in your pocket.
Link: HardExtreme
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