ASUS Z87 ROG Motherboard Roundup: Enter Maximus VI Review
Posted on 2013-10-02 17:52:45 by Thomas De MaesschalckASUS, like the other major motherboard manufacturers, has an extensive lineup of boards that now support Intel's 4th-generation Haswell processors and come packing the Z87 chipset. There are motherboards in ASUS' quiver that run the gamut from gaming boards to workstation boards to consumer-focused boards and beyond, but the company seems proudest of its Republic Of Gamers (ROG) line. There are multiple Z87-based ROG boards in the series, and we took a look at three of them that represent a nice variety of form factors and features--the Maximus VI Impact, Maximus VI Gene, and the Maximus VI Formula--and also look at the work that the company has put into developing a robust gaming platform...
Link: HotHardware
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