ASUSTOR AS7004T NAS Server Review
Posted on 2014-12-31 09:18:29 by Thomas De MaesschalckDescription: When i first started using and testing NAS (network attached storage) devices well over 5 years ago their specifications couldn't compare to even the most entry level notebook and honestly back then there really was little need for anything more than that since most people used them as download servers, file sharing servers and in some rare cases for hosting pages. However things have changed a lot nowadays and so with the increase in need for serious processing power there are NAS devices out in the market as we speak with specifications equal to those of a high-end notebook or even a mid-end desktop system (minus the graphics card, for now at least). Of course because of their very high price tags (and in some cases large size) such devices are primarily aimed towards enterprise and business users who can really use the extra punch with heavy workloads. ASUSTOR recently announced their AS70xxT ultra high-end series and today with us we have the 4 bay AS7004T NAS model.
Link: NikKTech
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