Crucial Ballistix Elite, Sport and Tactical 16GB DDR4 Memory Group Test Review
Posted on 2016-04-20 09:58:54 by Thomas De MaesschalckThe introduction of the Skylake platform by Intel successfully brought DDR4 to the “mainstream” market, previously DDR4 uptake had been limited by the high entry costs of the only supported consumer platform at the time, X99. As a direct result of the larger market for DDR4 afforded by Skylake there has been an explosion in the number of kits available and, helpfully for prospective buyers, the last 6 months or so have seen the cost of DDR4 fall sharply, almost converging with per-GB DDR3 prices. DDR4, in short, is no longer limited to the ultra high-end market.
Link: Kitguru
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