E-Scooter Review and E-Scooter Provider Review

Posted on 2019-07-21 14:15:55 by Thomas De Maesschalck

After the E-Scooter Video we have now the detailed E-Scooter review in the OCinside.de Summer Special. Since a short time there is the possibility to drive with electric scooters in some larger cities. You don’t have to buy an electric scooter to do this, you can simply borrow it from one of the Scooter sharing providers. The advantage is that you can borrow the electric scooter at one position and park it at another place, similar to car sharing offers. In Hamburg, Germany we have tested e-scooters from the providers Circ, Lime, Tier and Voi and gained some experience. We also test the E-Scooter Apps, explain the E-Scooter driving and give tips about the E-Scooter Promo Codes.

Link: OCInside

E-Scooter Review and E-Scooter Provider

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