Unreal Tournament 2003 (Demo) review

All the other stuff that didn't fit into any of the above catagories.
Physics: Good
The additon of Karma Math Engine physics to the death of players is an interesting addition. It does increase the "realism" of a players death (truely falling down stairs/off ledges/etc). However, the effect, while interesting to watch, is in effect eye-candy and does not enhance the actual "gameplay". Some may argue that the increase in realism makes the game "better". However, if it doesn't help or hurt you in "winning" the game, then it doesn't truely affect gameplay. IF physics are added in at a larger extend to movable objects and the like, THEN, the ability to use movable items in a strategic way WILL help gameplay. Otherwise, it's "neat" eye-candy (that requires more processing power). Even with that said, I will give it a Good rating because the "average" game does not have it. However, I refrain from giving it an "Exceptional" rating as I HAVE seen other games that had physics in them before.
Special Moves: Good
Requiring 100 points of adrenaline to pull off, the special moves are simular (in effect) to the Relics of UT. They give you a boost of Health/Speed/etc for a limited period of time (until the adrenaline wears off). The key presses required to pull off one of these Specials is reminicent of combo moves from console fighter games like Mortal Kombat. The boost provided by the Specials are likely to be used in a tactical fashion in most games. Tip: Don't try and use Speed/Boost (health boost) in an Insta-Gib match (especially against the bots), they don't help much...lol. I guess the ability to obtain enough adrenaline (or not) will determine how useful they are within matches. All in all I have to say that the Specials are an "intersting" addition to the game. Even thou the Specials require the "floating" adrenaline (or better yet, a decent number of kills), they deserve a fair shake, and a "Good" rating for being something better than "Average". Due to the fact that the "effects" were provided in Relics, they are not groundbreaking (and thus don't rate and "Exceptional").
Mutators: Good
Low gravity and Insta-gib mutators, what more could a gamer ask for in a demo? Okay, maybe you could ask for more, but they are the favs so you just gotta have em. I rate them "Good" because they add to "average" gameplay types and make them better than average. :}
Details Settings: Average
While the settings do their job properly there is a slight problem (and this is why I am mentioning it). The Highest, High, Normal, Low, Lower, Lowest listings are different from one setting to the next. One has Lowest, Lower, Low, Normal while another has Normal, High, Highest. This needs to be made more consistant.
Player Settings: Average
One slight problem, the Preferred Team setting does not stay where you put it. I usually play on Blue team and no matter how many times I set it to Blue, it always returns to Red. This also includes setting it RIGHT before I start an Instant Action match...it ALWAYS starts me out on Red team.
Player Point of view: NA
I have seen some other comments that players feel as if they are too short or squating in UT2003. I also noticed this and think I figured out why. The height of the player POV is fairly low. If you stand next to a wall/pillar in game and squat you will notice that you don't drop very much at all. Now, stand next to something in real life and squat, you will notice your POV drop MUCH further down. I believe the players POV needs to be raised up a bit for players to not feel like they are too short.
Water: NA
I am not rating the in game water. However, there are some comments that I feel need to be brought up about it. First of all, it looks AMAZING. Seeing the water look and move like that is super. However, as beautiful as the water is, it does not react like real water. There is ZERO splash effects that occurs when it is shot. Yes, it looks pretty, but, in actuality it's an eye-candy effect that does not really affect gameplay.

Added: September 16th 2002
Product reviewed: Unreal Tournament 2003 (Demo)
Reviewer: STATIC3D
Score: 7/10
Page: 6/7

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