Nowadays the amount of people prefering a silent computer system is growing and growing. For instance people who have a home theatre PC in their living room mostly want it to be silent. The subject of this review is Silverstone's SST-ST30NF Power Supply, which is entirely passively cooled by heatsinks. Since it contains no fans this PSU generates 0dBA background noise, and thus on first sight it seems to be ideal for silent computer systems.
A few months ago I already reviewed a silent PSU from Silverstone, the Silverstone SST-ST35F-G02 350W Power Supply which was a power supply with a big silent 120mm fan.
Silverstone SST-ST30NF Power Supply
Posted on Monday, August 30 2004 @ 16:42 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
Finally another review made by me
You can read my latest review here