About two years ago Logitech launched the amazing MX700 mouse. It was a huge leap for cordless mice since it was one of the first cordless mice that performed as well as a wired one. It immediately became a big hit and a few weeks ago Logitech released its successor, the Logitech MX1000 Laser Cordless Mouse. This new mouse promises a lot. According to Logitech optical is now obsolete, and the company also claims that their new laser-based optical mouse offers a 20x surface tracking improvement over LED-based optical mice like the MX700. In this review, we'll take a closer look to see Logitech's promises are true.
I bought this mouse a few weeks ago at a local computer fair and when I came home I found the following things in the box: The Logitech MX1000 Laser Cordless Mouse, its Rapid-charging base station, a CD with the Logitech SetPoint software, an installation guide , an USB to PS/2 adapter and an AC power adapter. There is something special about the mouse: Instead of a LED this mouse uses a new laser sensor which is the result of a collaboration between Logitech and Agilent Technologies. Logitech claims this technology is 20 times more sensitive to surface detail.
Lets take a look at how this technology works:
How Optical mice work
Logitech’s revolutionary laser-powered mice unite the precision of laser illumination with the proven technology of sensor-based motion tracking in a way never done before. To detect movement, all sensor-based mice, regardless of light source, use sensors to “read” the light beam as it is reflected back into the mouse from the tracking surface
Each second, Agilent’s optical sensor inside Logitech’s mouse takes more than 6000 snapshot ’fingerprints,’ converts the information to digital format, and uses the changes in ‘fingerprints’ to calculate the mouse’s precise location, speed, and direction of movement. Armed with that knowledge, Logitech’s driver software then communicates with the computer’s operating system, which moves the cursor image on the screen.
Surface Smoothness (or roughness):
The measure of a surface is defined as the peak-valley surface roughness of that surface. To
eliminate measurement ‘noise’ or outliers, an average of 20 of the highest peak-valley points on the surface in question was used as the final measure of surface roughness. Monotonic surfaces were used for consistency in results.
With enhanced image contrast enabling a 20x improvement, the laser mouse can track on surfaces where the LED mouse cannot.
A laser-based mouse can see more detail
Laser illumination reveals a structure that a LED simply cannot express. The coherent nature of laser light creates patterns of high contrast when its light is reflected from a surface. The pattern appearing on the sensor reveals details on any surface, even glossy surfaces that would look totally uniform when exposed to the LED incoherent illumination. The precision image sensors then have no difficulties in tracking these patterns and calculating position and movement. This is how laser enables tracking on virtually any surface.
A quick look around any home reveals lasers improving our lives. From CD and DVD players to printers and handheld pointers, lasers designed for consumer use offer
enormous benefits and a high degree of safety. But lasers also conjure up images of
destructive ray guns, a staple of science-fiction movies. Fortunately, that’s not the case
with Logitech’s laser mouse technology. Logitech’s laser mice are perfectly safe for
consumers, earning a Class I eye-safe designation. After all, transmitting a beam of
light for the tiny distance required, less than an inch, requires only a minuscule amount
of power.
I hope that you now have enough information, if you need more than visit Logitech's site
Features of the Logitech MX1000
1. Rechargeable with a rapid-charging base station and a lithium-ion battery.
2. FastRF cordless performance that equals a USB corded connection, more info about this technology here.
3. Universal forward and back / Application switch (to move between open windows).
4. Superior grasp.
5. Illuminated 4-level battery indicator.
6. Powerful tilt wheel plus zoom: scroll side-to-side, up and down (Cruise Control), zoom in/out with a click.
7. Resolution: 800dpi , Imaging processing 5.8 megapixels per second.
Head over to page 2 for a closer look at the mouse.
Comment #1 posted by Anonymous on 2011-05-25 17:08:19 Works fine on my KVM. Button assignments/scroll wheel work w/out an issue. Comment #2 posted by Anonymous on 2010-10-28 00:09:06 Used this mouse for 3 years straight. It is awesome, lots of buttons well-placed, good quality, and all...
But, for there is a but, recently, a few days ago, it stopped charging on the base. It now has only one green light, and I tried using an eraser on the connector of both the base and the mouse, but it doesn't improve anything. Too bad, I guess I'll have to call Logitech, or maybe pay them a visit (I love living in Switzerland!).
Pretty good mouse although, I'd recommend it. Comment #3 posted by Anonymous on 2009-09-22 13:54:58 LEFT CLICKING STICKING-SOLUTION TAKE APART BLEND WIRE A LITTLE OR IN MY CASE TIGHTEN SCREW-IT JUST SEEMED NOT TO HIT THE POINT OF CONTACT WITH ENOUGH FORCE GIVE IT A TRY ANYWAY.... Comment #4 posted by Anonymous on 2009-09-15 11:59:59 Very nice site! Comment #5 posted by Anonymous on 2008-07-12 14:13:36 Ignore my last message. I'm a happy man again! I installed a nice little 3rd-party app called Uberpoint and all is well again; all the missing features are back!
God knows why Logitech chose to engineer all these features out of their software :-s Comment #6 posted by Anonymous on 2008-07-12 00:14:56 I just bought this mouse today as a replacement for my last one, which I think is a Logitech G7. It works fine but I have one problem..
The version of Setpoint that came with my last mouse allowed me to set program-specific button presses but this one doesn't. I like to use the 'back' button for browsing the web, and also for 'use' and 'enter vehicles' in UT2004, but if i set this for UT, the button ceases to work when browsing, and vice versa. Is it me or is it not possible to do this with this mouse? :(
Yes I do have auto-dectect game enabled... Comment #7 posted by Anonymous on 2008-06-20 18:15:10 I've had this mouse for several years for work. I use it pretty heavily, every day. It worked great for a long time, but like others I've had problems lately.
First thing that went was the left mouse button. It stopped "clicking" and would stick. I saw someone else had this problem too. I took it apart and it was simply the button wore out. I took the button apart and cleaned it and bent the contact for more positive click and it's been fine since.
But then, again like others here, the erratic movement started. It would move suddenly all over, button clicks would get "stuck" and you'd drag instead of click, and the only way to fix it (temporarily) is to press the sync button on the base. Its starting to drive me nuts.
Then the center button seemed to stop working well. Again I took it apart and cleaned it and now it works perfectly again. But the erratic movement is still a problem. I'm sure Logitech wont fix the problem, they'd rather you just buy a new mouse.
So it was a good run while it lasted, but I would expect it's useful life to be longer. Sadly, I bought a Nano VX recently for my laptop and within 6 months, it is acting up too. It stops responding until you move the receiver around. Think I might stay away from Logitech mice. My MS mouse I use at home isn't as nice as the Logitech, but it's never had a problem, and the AA batteries last months, not a week like the MX1000...
Comment #8 posted by Anonymous on 2008-05-22 02:48:35 For me this is the best gaming mouse available today and it will be till actual gaming models get 10 assignable buttons as this one has. Last usable Setpoint version for this with Vista is still 3.1. After that all sorts of erratic cursor behaviour and lag appear. After a couple of years of heavy gaming use and careless handling the left button is no longer sending continous signal, so drag&drop and some gaming functions have become hindered. This may be a model specific problem as the left button sensors might be the weakest link, wearing off first, or it may again be a driver or an OS issue. Comment #9 posted by Anonymous on 2008-04-30 13:52:42 Ive had this mouse for a year now. after some time i had the problem that it would not charge while in the base! This was quickly solved by cleaning the contacts with an eraser and now it works well again. An Excellent mouse for FPS ,i play a lot of battlefield 2 and this mouse is highly accurate to the point that mouse pads are pointless as it makes no difference what the surface is. A Good Charge will last for about a week of solid use and i usually charge it for an hour straight as opposed to putting it in the cradle every night. Wireless will go for about 3 meters from the base but can suffer at distance if the base is not pointing directly at you. On the whole i highly recommend this one as a top gamers mouse. Comment #10 posted by Anonymous on 2008-04-29 09:35:55 I want to buy the mouse MX1000 but I do not know the price. Can you tell me please? Comment #11 posted by Anonymous on 2008-04-28 12:41:45 For the first two years that I had the MX1000, I rated it 10+ I love the feel and the fact that it's fairly light compaired to other cordless mice that you have to install heavy batteries into. The battery life is very nice. If I go on week long trips, I don't even take the AC cord with me because my battery lasts at least 10 days (averaging 5 hours of gaming / surfing a day).
My problem is that it has started to lose it's connection to the base station on a regular basis. I can normally fix it by hitting both reset buttons (bottom of mouse and base station). Some days the mouse works fine, but other days it needs to be reset every 20 seconds. I tried it on a second computer and it acts up on that one too. That tells me that it's a problem with the hardware receivers in the mouse or basestation and not really a software problem. I did what Logitech said, and reloaded the Setpoint software, but that didn't help. I wish Logitech would come up with an answer to fix this. I hate that I need to find another mouse. Comment #12 posted by Anonymous on 2008-03-06 15:05:17 I have had this mouse for about 2 years and have never had more than minor problems from it i love this mouse and will buy another one if it dies..
Minor problems consist of not charging when put into the cradle.
fixed by adjusting the contacts in the cradle over a couple years of use these seemed to have moved so they would not contact the mouse anymore.
after 2 years this mouse still holds a great charge. at the very least
it lasts 2 days of constant use, gaming and surfing.
Comment #13 posted by Anonymous on 2008-01-24 09:03:14 This mouse is the cat's pajamas, a ten plus, and still there is no finer mouse out there at the moment - January 2008. Just be sure to get UberOptions because "cruise up" sucks but throwing a grenade with it rocks! Just like reloading with "r" is weak but reloading with "tilt-wheel-right" is just sick! Many, many possibilities with this one in particular. I just wish Logitech would make a WIRED version because I hate dealing with batteries and I hate BlueTooth even more. A wireless mouse... do they think I want to take this with me to the kitchen?
The MX Revolution is terrible for AutoCAD, Firefox or any program that utilizes "mouse button 3". The MX1000 is still king for the moment. Comment #14 posted by Anonymous on 2007-12-07 17:03:37 I use the mx1000 for two years at home and for 1.5 years at work and I never had problems, infact it was the best mouse my hands ever touched. No jumping, no lacking connection, no problems with kvm. Both mice have a very weak battery, so if the red light turns on, i have less than 30 minutes left, but I got used to this.
Recently, my fealings have changed a bit, because two things have happend: At work, the right button seems to be sticky and sometimes works delayed and the current driver update hung up completely and none of my button assignment works since... So two weeks ago, I would have rated 10 out of 10, but now I'm getting dissapointed :-( Comment #15 posted by Anonymous on 2007-11-10 00:57:40 13 months of perfect gaming w/out a mouse pad and now the mouse simply wont charge. Put it in the cradle, nothing. No lights, no nothing. Not dirty, contacts have no markings or crud, nothing inside cradle. Comment #16 posted by Anonymous on 2007-11-06 04:18:58 I purchased the MX 1000 and I am sorry to say that it does not work well at all. It has a terrible lag. It only works if it is 7 or 8 inches from my DELL laptop. I am using it with the laptops internal bluetooth antenna. This mouse is terrible. Comment #17 posted by Anonymous on 2007-10-24 02:17:01 Curson erratic afer 1 years of use. tried everything.. moving base, cleaning , pads, diff computer.
cant talk to logitech, mailbox representative full...i think i better buy a ney one. Comment #18 posted by Anonymous on 2007-10-22 23:39:49 For those with "erratic" mouse behavior ... this is my first laser-mouse and I was frustrated with this behavior - changed batteries, moved receiver, nothing. Finally ended up "cleaning" the little hole where the laser sensor is with a dry cloth and voila: great mouse behavior.
I'm thinking some dirt, fibers, mung, cheetos, or whatever got caught up in there and caused all my problems. Comment #19 posted by Anonymous on 2007-07-27 09:35:07 My logitech cordless broke down in the very next month and I had to take it to the warranty centre here in Bombay. The centre people "rashi peripherals" are sooo ruthless lot, that they made me run 7 -8 times for a full month. It was only after made a shout and cry in their office did I get my product replaced.
Initially they had promised 4 dayz and they had no repentence on their words.
I have vowed never to buy logitech products again.
Nadz Comment #20 posted by Anonymous on 2007-05-30 16:03:39 I've had this mouse forabout 2 years. I loved it dearly until about 2 weeks ago when the left mouse button quit qorking properly. Now, that button frequently doesn't register a click and won't allow a click-and-hold. This is really only an issue when gameing, but that's my primary use for my PC. Comment #21 posted by Anonymous on 2007-05-22 18:15:08 this was a 10/10 mouse till it stopped responding 12months later and now i have to constantly keep reseting it for it to work. i would like to point out this mouse is virtually indestructable and should be used as stress relief when it fails to work for you rather than smashing your screen or pc throw the mouse at a wall or on the floor and dont buy a logitech laser mouse without 3yrs warranty. im going back to microsoft mouses the buttons dont last but at least they dont die with a full charge like this one does Comment #22 posted by Anonymous on 2007-05-22 17:57:03 its ok till you let the battery go completely flat then it keeps stopping and u have to press the two rest buttons on the base and mouse to get it work again i have completely lost my temper with this mouse due to this annoyance as of like now its stopped again so i have to reset it yet again Comment #23 posted by Anonymous on 2007-05-20 17:14:56 I've been using the mouse for quite some time now, and recently it started to act up on me, like im moving the cursor, but it doesnt move all the time, so i have to move it again, lift it alittle from the mousepad for me not to be pressing to hard on it for it to actually move alittle, like its laggs you can say, but without actually getting to the point of where i need it to go until after a few tries, can someone please help me out and tell me if its fixable, and if so, than how? Comment #24 posted by Anonymous on 2007-05-19 22:22:44 Don't tell people to recharge every day - everyone knows that reduces the life on rechargeable batteries.
Ideally, you should recharge once it gets to red (or even better if it dies), that way you get a full recharge cycle.
Even at red the mouse will probably last 6-8 hours or more, unless you're playing games straight or something. Comment #25 posted by Anonymous on 2007-05-06 19:24:36 This used to be a 10 out of 10 mouse.
I suspect that an upgrade of the drivers is the reason why the mouse now behaves erratically. Cursor moves suddenly to the left, the buttons are sticky, it takes for ever to register a double click. and suddenly document flip window shows up. I suspect the upgrading of the software to fit vista and/or new mouse versions have really messed up the drivers. Reinstalling the latest version didn't work. Perhaps finding the original drivers will help.
Windows XP Professional on a Dell 8250.
Really frustrating.
Comment #26 posted by Anonymous on 2007-04-27 02:05:50 Regarding the review below, there's no issue with scrolling, probably some other issue (drivers? other software?) or a problem with that particular unit, but certainly not true for all of them.
Yeah, this mouse is pretty sweet. Comment #27 posted by Anonymous on 2007-04-04 07:09:27 Everything about the mouse is great but one thing.
The scroll wheel is utter crap. If you are scrolling a long document you get down maybe a page and a half and suddenly it jumps to the top again. Comment #28 posted by Anonymous on 2007-04-03 15:02:21 sublime. All you ppl who cant use it cuz its too sensitive need to grow up cuz this mouse is sweet. Comment #29 posted by Anonymous on 2007-03-22 17:44:24 My mouse jumps to the left and top of the screen alot. Never used to do that on my old PC. By the way, the new PC is running Vista.
Couldn't figure it out until I unplugged the receiver from the USB port, and used the green PS2 adapter plugging it into the old style ports. Now it's fine. I don't know what the problem is with the USB but it's not working for me. The PS2 port has been perfectly reliable, albeit a bit clumsy with the extra dongle.
Comment #30 posted by Anonymous on 2007-03-13 06:10:03 I absolutely loved this mouse... for about a year and a half.
Wireless, nice battery life, amazing tracking precision and response time.
However, recently it has been really bothering me... it likes to randomly make a "jump" where it moves really far in whatever direction you were moving. In shooters its enough to almost spin me around in a complete 360. Basically I don't play shooters now because it is just really frustrating. I even have been accused of hacking because when my mouse goes nuts, people who are observing me see it jump around wildly now and then.
I rated this mouse a 7/10 but really I would have put it as a 9/10 until it started malfunctioning a couple weeks ago.
I use my computer a TON so 1.5 years of use before a malfunction isn't too bad... although this was almost 100 dollars when I bought it. I'm hoping i can find my MX1000 box so I can try for a warranty replacement.
I've repositioned my receiver to many new locations as people have suggested and it doesn't fix the problem. I did recently upgrade to vista, so i suppose it COULD be a driver issue (I hope, as long as it gets fixed soon).
Anyway I can't say I don't recommend this mouse, I'd definitely buy it again if given the chance (And take better care of my warranty info). Comment #31 posted by Anonymous on 2007-02-15 11:43:41 works fine until you clean it. just went haywire. had to go out and buy a replacement (not Logitech)
What a piece of cr*p. Comment #32 posted by Anonymous on 2007-01-21 00:49:24 Had mx1000 a good few months now and it is fantastic. Have assigned buttons 3 buttons for use in windows and 5 for games. The buttons are also quite large so accidently catching another button is minimal.
Movement is sharp and i can point very precisely at small targets with very tiny movements.
I use my mouse for a lot of programs to games like C.O.D & Half Life 2 to Browsing the web and fast switching between pages.
Only problem I had with it (when i first bought it) was when i lifted up the mouse it used to jump accross the screen, but soon sorted that with little bit of practise of lifting the mouse straight up and not tilting when lifting. This was initially quite annoying. Apart from that no other problems.
Some of the other problems people have reported on this site i have not come accross yet like floaty movements and wearing stickers. Overall this is a great mouse and by now it should be darn site cheaper than the £55 i paid for mine.
Comment #33 posted by Anonymous on 2007-01-01 18:13:33 an easy 10/10. an excellent mouse for gaming. always picks up movement (unlike optical, since my mouse mat got destroyed). never looses charge. exactly the right size for my hands. probably the best mouse I've ever used.
also, anyone who 'can't find the left/right scroll buttons' the mouse wheel has four-way scrolling (move the wheel left and right).
and I don't think broken buttons mean the mouse is crap, it means you got a dud one. take it back to the shop and get a replacement.
to fix the strange movement thing, either change the sensitivty or put the recharger somewhere where the mouse can see it easily. Comment #34 posted by Anonymous on 2006-12-19 14:14:14 This mouse is expensive crap. It doesn't fit my hand properly and it's useless for gaming. As someone else said the cursor is swimm and you can't hit anything. I'm going to go back to my old ball mouse because it crapped on the MX1000. Comment #35 posted by Anonymous on 2006-10-15 16:15:55 I get interference with the speakers and buzzing noise. i cannot listen to my music any louder than soft otherwise it with make horrible noises, i think the receiver interferes wit hthe speakers, i cannot prevent this. plz help Comment #36 posted by Anonymous on 2006-07-20 19:55:42 You guys are complete n00bs. The MX1000 owns. I never had any problems with it, apart from some teething problems, but I have those sort of problems with everything technological, cos I have bad luck. One other thing, in Battlefield 2, it sometimes has jerky movement in a helicopter. But seems to be fine now. The logitech logo wears off after just a few days of buying the mouse. That is VERY dissapointing, as logitech normally produce quality products. A little bit of sweat, and the logo wears off, almost completely. A shame really. Never loses charge. Very good distance. Very good for gaming. Comment #37 posted by Anonymous on 2006-05-25 23:17:36 I had the erratic mouse problem. I read the recommended fixes about plugging into PS/2 slot but that wouldn't have worked for me. There are 2 different chargers out there. One that will go to PS/2 and the other won't. Its purely a recharger and plugs to mains only.
I contacted Logitech to ask if I could buy the other charger and they sent me a USB extension cable FREE. That fixed the problem by moving the Bluetooth adapter away from other items such as speakers and the PC itself.
You may want to try this. Comment #38 posted by Anonymous on 2006-04-16 22:12:13 A lot of talk about scrolling, but I would have liked to see where the left and right buttons are. Also, the writer needed an editor for spelling and grammar errors. Must be one of the drawbacks of a dark vision. Comment #39 posted by Anonymous on 2006-04-08 03:59:36 piece of crap. Comment #40 posted by Anonymous on 2006-04-06 14:26:07 This is the best mouse i have ever used! The accuracy is incredible. I'm using it with a Icemat Black glass mousemat. Comment #41 posted by Anonymous on 2006-03-26 11:29:42 The slider pads fall off after a periodand sometimes the driver requires a reeboot as it keeps changing the focus from object to object on the desktop1 Comment #42 posted by Anonymous on 2006-03-24 02:14:07 I just upgraded to the MX1000 Laser Cordless Mouse and am starting to get frustrated. When my laptop comes out of standby mode the mouse and keyboard are not detected. They don't work until I pull the bluetooth adapter out of the USB port and insert it again. Anyone know of a fix? The reply from Logitech was NOT helpful. Comment #43 posted by Anonymous on 2006-03-16 08:30:14 THIS IS MY SCORE FOR COMMENT BELOW, I SUBMIT TOO QUICKLY!
Kari Surakka Comment #44 posted by Anonymous on 2006-03-16 08:28:42 I couldn't work with this mouse.
The biggest problem is that motion sensor is too effective. You have to lift the mouse too high to prevent
motion sensors to detect motion. That is very annoying, at least with heavy mouse like this.
Secondly, special buttons are quite hard to reach. Not suitable for my hand. I have quite big hand.
Mouse's back button didn't work in FireFox.
With MS IntelliPoint mouse back button works in FireFox also.
Software looks bit awkward but is works.
+ Accuracy
+ Basic buttons
- Special buttons
- Bit sticky sliding(I may have poor mouse pad?)
- Noisy wheel
It took MX1000 back to shop, it may be good for someone, not for me.
Kari Surakka
Comment #45 posted by Anonymous on 2006-03-06 14:27:09 This mouse is comfortable and cool to use for work.
But considering it is a laser mouse and is suposedly more accurate and blah blah i expected it to be good for gaming which i have found it is no good at all for gaming a great game to test what i mean is battlefield 2 try and use the mouse to control the tv guided missile no chance in hell unless you click the left button with everything you got Comment #46 posted by Anonymous on 2006-02-19 11:01:33 Disappointed. I replaced my MX700 with a 1000 yesterday. It came in a bundle with the MX5000 keyboard, which is fabulous. I have to admit that I have a EMI source I think needs moving (sub woofer), and perhaps this is why the curser becomes 'swimmy' and sometimes does not respond at all.
However, I am most disappointed with the software. It is extremely annoying after many years of being able to program windows explorer to open with a click of an assignable mouse button to find that the MX1000 does not allow this function. It is a backwards step from the MX700 which seemed to allow many more assignments to the buttons that the MX1000 does.
I will move the subwoofer...and if need be even move the bluetooth receiver to the front of my PC (will need to hook up the front USB ports) to see if this will stop the erratic cursor movement....if not...back to the MX700 for me!
As a side point...after many years of using their speakers, game pads, wheels and joysticks, keyboards and mouses, I find Logitech to be hit and miss with many of its products. Some are simply awesome, others difficult to live with. A shame, as the company in general is very innovative. Comment #47 posted by Anonymous on 2006-02-08 06:45:35 Bought it to use w/Autocad. Right click very often requires 2 clicks to function instead of 1. Plugged the Logitech optical that I've been using for the last three years into another usb port with the mx1000 still plugged in to it's usb port and used them both, alternately. It took probably less than 34.069 seconds to decide to return the mx1000 for a refund. I did the above after two several hour long sessions using the mx1000, uninstalling the software I'd installed w/the supplied c.d., plugged it back in using whatever driver it hooked up with & no change for the better. Buyer beware! Comment #48 posted by Anonymous on 2006-01-11 01:02:05 I'm working on my fourth MX1000! Intermittent left click issues forced me to call support and have them swap it out. They just sent me another in December and sure enough the intermittent left click issue is back. The funny thing is support asked me " Are you gaming with it?" of course i'm gaming with it. It's a great mouse but the hassle is just not worth the trouble if you ask me. I was forced to purchase the Mircosoft 6000 Laser mouse. Comment #49 posted by LSDsmurf on 2005-12-30 12:46:26
Got this mouse as part of the DiNovo Media package. Cursor is extremely erratic and mouse is unusable. Logitech customer support was unhelpful and theironly suggestion was to uninstall all of the Logitech software on my PC.
Make sure there isn't any interference from other devices such as your speakers, cell phone, ... Try moving around the receiver a bit, I've seen this type of behaviour a couple of times and I think it's caused by either bad reception of interference.. Comment #50 posted by Anonymous on 2005-12-30 00:45:18 Got this mouse as part of the DiNovo Media package. Cursor is extremely erratic and mouse is unusable. Logitech customer support was unhelpful and theironly suggestion was to uninstall all of the Logitech software on my PC.
Will not be buying any more Logitech products Comment #51 posted by Anonymous on 2005-12-16 06:59:35 Every article that I've read about this mouse is correct apart from the battery life or for me lack of it. I'm getting 2 and a half days tops, which equates to about 12/15 hours. I've already changed this one and it's replacement is exactly the same. Now wether this is a faulty batch or not I don't know, but these mice arrived completely flat and take an hour and a half to show a full charge, which makes me suspect that the charging unit is faulty and not putting a full charge in. Comment #52 posted by Anonymous on 2005-12-11 23:50:07 applies to xp pro 32-bit sp2:
when i use this with usb, the pointer occasionally jumps down the equivalent of 3.5 cm worth of physical mouse movement. this will happen sometimes in bursts (2x the above effect within a second), and will happen on average once every 3 mins, which can suck when playing games.
the above is not experienced at all when i use the supplied usb to ps/2 adapter; the experience is nothing but pleasant, and there are no "artifacts" of any sort. given that, i've been looking for a driver for xp that might correct the usb problem.
as for the bundled logictech drivers: while they do provide functionality for the non-standard buttons and the tiltwheel, the drivers add signifigant lag to the mouse movement, so it is unrecommended that the setpoint disc ever be placed in your drive.
overall, i've found this to be a very good mouse: long battery life, high precision, great ergonomics. just keep it interfaced through ps/2. Comment #53 posted by LSDsmurf on 2005-11-02 22:36:16 It's almost a year ago that I've reviewed this mouse and I'm still using it :). Some people report this mouse something behaves strange.
Are you guys sure there isn't any other device causing interference? Like your cell phone, speakers, ... Comment #54 posted by Anonymous on 2005-11-02 22:09:32 Terrible product. I have used mine for about 3 months now and it has worked great for only about 3 weeks of that. It jumps around and is not very accurate. Judging from what I have experienced and what you have posted this mouse has a mind of it's own. I would stay away from this product. Comment #55 posted by Anonymous on 2005-10-07 13:08:25 I really do not understand how everyone has had these problems with the MX-1000.
I have had mine for about two or three months now and have NEVER had any sort of problem described by others.
What operating system and hardware, etc are you people running when you have problems with it?
I'm running XP Pro with SP2, and the 1000 is even running through a USB HUB, and have never had a problem.
Any product has bugs and problems when first released.
That's why there are re-releases, and second issues.
Ask any first-generation Playstation 2 owner how long it took for their PS2 to take a dive. I believe Sony has six or seven generations of the PS2 out.
Before resorting to slander and profanity, why don't you submit your problems in a clear, and coherent way to Logitech and help them fix problems and build a better product.
Whining and complaining doesn't get anything accomplished. Comment #56 posted by Anonymous on 2005-09-23 19:39:42 This mouse is the biggest load of crap i have ever bought! It tops the league table by a country mile in the list of the worlds most useless items money can buy, easily beating the solar powered torch, and heated refrigerator.
Logitech must go back to the drawing board, and this time ask the question "what is the sole purpose of a mouse?", and this time, make sure the ting works before adding fancy features!
The mx1000 might look sexy, and be the first mouse to boast this new lazer technology, but all that equates to the best part of sod all if the mouse doesn't even function properly!
This mouse would have the calmest among us breaking out in bouts of anger, and violence in a matter of seconds as soon as you install those useless drivers, leaving you with a costly bill for psychotherapy, a replacement PC, and replacement of a broken window - which i'm sure Logitech would not pick up the tab for!
You have to ask yourself the question "is this a mouse, or a fancy desktop ornament?" Logitechs support on this mouse is also pretty crap - they seem to realise the problems with the mouse (erratic cursor movement, bouts of dizziness, exe-itis, but seem content on fobbing you off with excuses - and a stupid automated helpdesk which asks you to download the latest drivers - which incidently don't solve the problem! Thanks Logitech! Last time i buy any of your products!
I'm off now to test how well this mouse bounces. There must be something it is good for. Comment #57 posted by Anonymous on 2005-09-14 16:06:10 I've had mine for about 1.5 years now. It was great until a week ago when it started thinking for itself. As a gamer, it is quite the drag to find your self not being able to control your mouse, or worse yet, the mouse controlling you, eg: starting and stopping with no rhyme or reason... swinging (accelerating) wildly for no reason.... Battery is fully charged. Like other posters said, for the dough, I didn't expect bs problems. I also agree with the poster who discussed the driver issues. I've tried everything I know to fix it. Was a great piece of equipment until now.
What about this notion of having to replace the mouse at about two years, due to the sealed battery chamber? Comment #58 posted by Anonymous on 2005-09-07 08:47:21 I've had my mx1000 for about two weeks now. This probably the best mouse I've ever owned but it has some problem. It usually works fine but sometimes it goes through fits where it jumps to the top of the screen and random clicks occur. I noticed Logitech has setup a phone number exclusively for customers with this problem. I guess I'll return it for another one. My previous mouse was wireless and did not have any problems. Comment #59 posted by Anonymous on 2005-08-25 08:41:23 I bought the mouse and it was a huge disappointment. Motion is quite smooth, but it randomly clicks buttons itself or sometimes doesn't notice when the buttons are really clicked. Maybe something to do with interference, although I tried to move the base station away from TV, computer etc, but didn't help. The distance between mouse and the base station is merely 2-3 meters. My old bluetooth optical mouse works much better than this, but it sucks up batteries like hell. Comment #60 posted by Anonymous on 2005-08-16 22:26:49 I had quite a few tracking problems with my MX1000 when I first purchased it. It acted as if the mouse ball was stuck. Since there isn't a ball this behavior was particularly annoying. I eventually found that my computer speakers were interfering with the mouse base station. By moving the base farther from my speakers (12") I was able to eliminate all tracking problems. Once I finally figured that out I've never had another problem with it. It is, by far, the best mouse I've ever used. Comment #61 posted by LSDsmurf on 2005-07-20 12:09:21 >However, the first problem I had was that the mouse pads kept falling off. I resorted to some super glue and that fixed it but now the next problem is much more serious.
Try applying a few pieces of tape. It will prevent the mousepads from falling off and it may also improve the way your mouse glides over your mousepad.
> The battery has been slowly draining and the mouse no longer charges in the dock. In other words the mouse is dead! I´m looking into a possible solution but considering the price tag for this mouse I didn´t expect this to happen! Any suggestions?
The last few weeks I've had the same problem as you. Sometimes it won't charge but I can always get it to work by moving the mouse a bit. Seems like the pins and the copper feet make a real bad contact. Comment #62 posted by Anonymous on 2005-07-20 03:43:31 I´ve had the MX1000 since January, if my memory doesn´t fail me. For the first few months I gotta say it was brilliant, smooth, responsive and extremely ergonomic, which is something I really appreciate in a mouse. However, the first problem I had was that the mouse pads kept falling off. I resorted to some super glue and that fixed it but now the next problem is much more serious. The battery has been slowly draining and the mouse no longer charges in the dock. In other words the mouse is dead! I´m looking into a possible solution but considering the price tag for this mouse I didn´t expect this to happen! Any suggestions? Comment #63 posted by Anonymous on 2005-07-07 15:26:09 This is a brilliant mouse that is useless with a KVM. Logitech tells you this as I dicovered AFTER I bought the bloody thing! How come that Microsoft mice work on KVMs but not Logitech??
If you do not have a KVM and can afford the cost then the MX-1000 is a world leader, but if you need to use via KVM, then try before you buy!
(ps: the pointer and the buttons 1 & 2 work, but none of the extra buttons or even the scroll wheel!). Comment #64 posted by Anonymous on 2005-06-15 16:15:52 This reviewer really needs to take a crash course in spelling and grammar. Comment #65 posted by Anonymous on 2005-06-05 22:26:45 I bought and returned the Logitech MX1000 laser mouse. It is a fantastic mouse. It's very ergonomic and precise in its movements. Unfortunately Logitech didn't put very much work into their drivers. From the feel it, the drivers were probably outsourced to some country in southern Africa to save on development costs. The results are painful.
I was unable to use any of my mouse's buttons other then the two main ones. I used a KVM switch, and each time i switched between my mac and PC, the mouse drivers would go stupid. Even worse is the lack of configurability in Logitech's drivers. It's impossible for me to configure all these wonderful buttons to do anything useful specific to a particular program/application. On the mac side it's equally worthless. I tried bypassing my KVM switch, but still had problems trying to get any of these buttons to do anything useful.
I got too frustrated with trying to configure this mouse, so i went online for help. It is there that i ready thousands of similar complaints about how logitech makes great hardware but really crappy drivers. I even found someone willing to sell you drivers for the mac that they had written themselves.
This was too much for me. I have serious issues spending $100 for a mouse that's wastes hours of my time trying to setup, so i returned it. I wouldn't recommend this mouse for my cat. Until logitech starts writing useful drivers for their products, i'll continue to avoid buying those products. I also learned lesson- always read reviews before buying a product. I would've saved a lot of time if i read how many people had similar problems to my own before i purchased it. I hope this helps you.
-Ziggy Tomcich Comment #66 posted by Anonymous on 2005-04-19 19:15:09 Outstanding, extraordinarily helpful review. Wish every other review of everything/anything I review were as detailed, understandable, and readable. Thanks. Comment #67 posted by Anonymous on 2005-04-18 00:01:44 I can't help but laugh at some of these posters saying "beware bad" product and "horrible support". Or even worse , "I work at best buy and we get a lot of returns". First of all it's normal to have a certain percentage of mice that are defective in a product line so it's possible to have a dud. That's why any good store has 30-days return policy. As far as drivers and all that goes it's not even required to install them. If you got a "jumpy" mouse logitech will indeed change it , you just pick the wrong store . The store I work for (Compusmart Canada) is certified Logitech... what does that mean? That means 3 years in store exchange for the same model or the one that replaces it. As far as best buy getting many returns I don't doubt that fact , it isn't because the mouse is bad though , it's because of the salesman that are giving poor advice on which mouse suits which types of customers. Some one who surfs the net doesn't need an MX1000. (the best buy comment is in general , there are some very competent people there... just not many) Comment #68 posted by Anonymous on 2005-04-17 21:53:05 Świetna mysz,tylko troche droga. Ale jak by zaczął odkładać pieniądze to można by sobie takie cacko sprawić,tylko hmmmm jak sie takim bajerem obsługiwać?:D:D
Pozdrawiam Comment #69 posted by Anonymous on 2005-02-26 06:17:29 Technically speaking this is a great product. But I was wondering how portable this unit would be since the base station needs to be connected to a power source and USB port. Comment #70 posted by Anonymous on 2005-02-13 22:44:42 got the mouse in December 2004 and the recharger unit has stopped working. now i can`t recharge it. Took it to PC World where I was informed that after 28 days, they are longer responsible for it. I thought it might be a simple job of repacing the fuse, but the plug has a sealed fuse. Now I`m stuck with a mouse that no longer works, I can`t find my receipt so I can present it to the manufacturer for a refund...DO NOT BUY THIS ...BE WARNED. (My email address is davidjgshortt@yahoo.co.uk Comment #71 posted by Anonymous on 2005-01-27 18:42:43 Mine was all jump, it was hating life through a USB hub... plugged it into my laptop directly and it worked fine.
Also, update to the latest software... Comment #72 posted by Anonymous on 2005-01-22 03:36:05 Phew, I am really impressed. While I've never used a Razer or anything exotic, this is easily the best mouse I've ever owned. The precision of the sensor lets me turn the sensitivity all the way up on games, just how I like it. The weight is just right, the battery meter is a good idea (and never goes down, due to the amazing battery life), the charger is great, the reception is AMAZING, the added buttons are extremely useful and well-designed... I can't say enough good about this mouse. The only problem I've had is random "jumping" to the top of the screen, but re-orienting the transciever/charger fixed everything. If you have the money, BUY THIS MOUSE. I have the feeling you won't need to replace it for a very long time! It's very solid (read: that doesn't mean heavy) and built well. It's liberating.
:moot: Comment #73 posted by Anonymous on 2005-01-20 13:12:37 Please be sure that no EMI appear near mouse and receiver. I get a 'random jumping' while moving on my MX1000 then place receiver/charger near my speaker. Changing place of receiver resolve all problems for me.
P.S.it is better for Logitech if they put some kind of noise level indicator inside driver to detect 'bad' mouse/receiver placements. Comment #74 posted by Anonymous on 2005-01-19 08:15:02 Got thiis mouse for 4 months already, and still working like a charm.. this is the best mouse i've ever put my hand on. Bar none. I has never miss my target, it's pixel precise, it's awesome.. I am a computer programmer, and gamer. So you know that I use my mouse and keyboard very intensively. I've replaced my keyboard batteries numerous times, but only recharge my mx1000 twice since 4 months ago. Comment #75 posted by Anonymous on 2005-01-14 19:53:48 For all of you who are considering the purchase of an MX1000 mouse...or if you've been suckered into a nightmare with it already-please read:
I purchased my MX1000 a few days ago, it has the following issues, all are common and persistent according to this forum and many others online:
1. Wobbles bad
2. Can't reposition the mouse without problems
3. Software drivers are not stable
4. Installation installs spy ware and ad ware called back web with default settings
5. Left click is intermittent, always 'clicks' but doesn't register as a key press
6. You can have a slow mouse, or a jumpy mouse, settings don't allow for anything in between.
In addition, after experiencing these problems, I found that the only other person I know that has an MX1000 also had these problems, and he owned a USB wireless notebook mouse from logitech with the same left click problems as well.
I am trying to get my money back from - the POP and will try a different manufacturer's mouse, but that 's tricky because Logitech makes so many OEM mice as well. Anyone that knows of other mice that are made by logitech are encouraged to list them here so that we can all avoid them, or I am setting up a forum today at http://brandondelk.net/fightback to handle this and other issues regarding poor consumer service.
Logitech requires you to pay for long distance calls to get an RMA for their defective products, and CSRs are rude and unsupportive. Again, please add any experiences or links to other experiences here, on my forum, and others (especially links). This will ensure that these complaints climb up the google totem pole and start showing up when other potential consumers google for logitechs products. Here's a start:
Logitech claims to be an ISO9000 company, I am a quality professional and the lack of corrective and preventative action as a follow up to the sheer volume of complaints on this mouse is a clear deficiency in the ISO 9000 required CAPA plan. If anyone knows who Logitech's registrar is, they should post that as well so consumers can contact the registrar directly with these complaints and unresolved issues to force some action on Logitech's part.
Keep posting your stories, problems, and possible solutions on this and other boards, and post links back and forth to other posts to bring attention to Logitech's customer service and quality problems and to help Logitech's execs fix these problems for their own good and ours. Comment #76 posted by Anonymous on 2004-12-31 06:08:10 I too work at Best Buy and it seems to me like we are getting too many returns. I'm on the verge of returning mine. I've had it since Christmas and it's already goofing up. Like jumping to the top of my screen, jumping randomly, clicking stuff randomly, and not working at all at certain times. I loved it, but now it's a waste of space. Comment #77 posted by Anonymous on 2004-12-30 06:36:47 I bought Logitech MX1000 because the HP optical mouse that came with my computer was sucking the life out of batteries as fast as I could install them. When I got it home its size was a small problem for me, but after reading the instructions, I learned the proper way to hold the mouse.
I didn't really expect much in the way of performance improvement, having bought more than my share of lackluster "new and improved" items. All I was really looking for was a rechargeable battery. Well, after a week, I have to admit that I am very impressed. I'm not a gamer, but I appreciate not having to drag the mouse across my desk to use it. About four square inches is all you need and because of its weight, you can scroll by using just your finger instead of grasping the mouse.
I remember when Windows first came out and I had to learn to use a mouse. I wanted DOS back because it was easier for me to type commands. Then, of course, I learned the true value of GUIs and by playing a lot of Solitaire, I became quite proficient.
But the mouse still had problems, not the least of which was an awkward cord and a sore wrist. When I bought my computer with the optical mouse, I thought I was in heaven, until I started buying batteries. Now, I really am in heaven because the mouse fits my hand, requires minimal movement and has rechargeable batteries.
Computing doesn't get any better than this.
By the way, I found this review to be very helpful. Comment #78 posted by Anonymous on 2004-12-17 03:35:57 Perhaps the reviewer would care to learn proper English grammar. This review looks like the writing of a sixteen-year-old high school dropout. Grammar aside this article would be infinitely more useful if you did some actual comparison testing instead of copying the specs from Logitech then saying “Hey I played with it for five minutes. It was ok umm errr I guess”. Comment #79 posted by Anonymous on 2004-12-11 13:00:16 The test written above is stupid. For example i can set Audigy 2 sound card to the lowest quality and prove that ingrated card sounds better. I think now it is the most precise mouse and it would be nice gift to gamers or chief :) Comment #80 posted by Anonymous on 2004-12-10 06:47:56 Really not a comment but a question. Can some one help by telling me the max range of the receiver? We have a boardroom environment. For making presentation the mouse is with the presenter who is seated at the conference table. the receiver, wired, can be placed some where nearby but not nearer than 4.5 metres (approx 13-14 feet) from the mouse. Will it work? Or, will the signals be too weak?
Does some one know of any other optical cordless mouse ( not necessarily laser) that has this kind of range?
Thanks an dregards.
Farid Ansari (ansari17@akunet.org) Comment #81 posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-19 22:50:49 Nice features if they worked. It won't scroll Visual Studio at all. In file explorer it won't scroll the window or pane the mouse is over. The cruise buttons work properly and control the window the mouse is over. I have called tech support and they claim it works the way it is suppose to. Well I disagree, so the mouse is going back. Comment #82 posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-11 19:12:30 This is a standard test that the Chinese review sites use to check if the mouse can be used by low sens swipers/gamers:
1. Open Windows Control Panel, Mouse, set your Pointer Speed all the way down to the lowest it'll go.
2. Open a graphics program, set it to "paint" (ie create a line whereever the mouse goes)
3. Swipe the mouse while drawing the line very quickly left and right.
The MX510 will produce a clean left/right series of zig zags. The MX1000 will jump all over the place. None of the pro teams will use the MX1000 so it's strictly amateur hour. If you don't believe me try it out yourself.
PS: You might also want to consider the Razer Diamondback, I own all three and it's really only a choice between the 510 and Diamondback if you're a gamer. Comment #83 posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-10 19:35:32 Beware of this product! While you might enjoy the smooth mouse motion at first, with very little use you might find as I did that the feet on which this mouse glides become scuffed and very soon begin to deposit a sticky substance on the desk surface which ultimately inhibites the smooth operation of this mouse. I have exchanged this mouse at the store where it was purchased and am currently attempting to return it a second time. Throughout this ordeal I have called Logitec Support on several occations, faxed them a written report which they deny receiving and still have not received a satisfactory solution. The case remains unresolved and my mouse continues to leave sticky black marks all over my desk! Anyone else experienceing similar problems please post.
ihjones@hotmail.com Comment #84 posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-04 06:20:00 excellent mouse, I have been using it for about a week. Had mx700 previously. Both mouse track perfectly during gaming, and I am a FPS gamer :) The battery life of mx1000 is greatly improved from mx700. I used to have to charge my mx700 everyday since I am a heavy computer user, now I haven't charged my mx1000 once since the intial charge and there's still 2 bar left (battery indicator). Also one of the gaming mousepads I own that cause my mx700 to skip works flawlessly with mx1000. Highly recommanded if you are looking for a wireless mouse. Comment #85 posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-03 18:41:49 I work at a Best Buy and 2 days after we got this bad Boy in I bought one for myself. I have been using it for a month now.
and I absolutely love it. I play tons of games with it.. and have had no issues. I read the forums posts detailing what they did to get these problems...and I tried to replicate it.. and nothing happened.
Every single customer I have recommended the mouse to has come back and said to me ..
Thank you. Heck I had one customer buy a second one for her laptop! Logitech has hit a home run with this mouse.